Thursday, 17 September 2009

Our Banana Bread Escapade

NO OVEN IN OUR HOUSE??? The news was so horrendous…that I almost headed straight back to Canada


Of course, being the avid baker that I am, I thought that having no oven here in Korea was going to undo me – seriously finish me. In our beloved little region (by that I mean a district with a radius of a 30-minute bus ride), there wasn’t even one bakery where I could even purchase any precious buns of sweet bread, cheese croissants, or palatable baked goods. I couldn’t imagine not being able to bake my delectable raspberry coffee cheesecake, perfect Anna Olson chocolate chip cookies, or three-tier Swiss chocolate-drenched fudge cake.

Obviously, Ken came to my rescue. He was able to find me a release using a recipe that we could bake in the microwave…and so our banana bread frenzy began.

For all of our schools, we were able to bake the most perfect banana bread you could ever imagine. We quickly produced five rich, fragrant caramel-coloured loaves – one for each of our cherished schools (our kitchen had the most delicious, ambrosial smell). What a hit. Every teacher from each of our schools gave us looks of awe (they had never heard of baking in the microwave!), and we were swamped with questions about the recipe for our savoury golden piece of heaven. Thank-goodness we had baked more than five loaves in the span of a week!

Our famous banana bread is now our gift of choice. We have already given some to our friendly bus ticket salesman and our landlord… we should probably make some for the convenience store owners (who helped Ken with the baking powder incident), the local bank employees (who helped us with a ridiculous situation lasting an hour and a half), and every single person who has ever given us apples.... Actually, I don’t think I will ever have the stamina to bake that many loaves.

I’m lying of course. I do have the energy. As I said, I’m a baker. But I’m not to be blamed if half of what I bake somehow ends up in my satiated belly.

- Jess


  1. Christine(Jess's mom)19 October 2009 at 07:27

    Oh~ Jssica, I just cleaned and replaced your bakery stuffs in the kitchen pentry where you stored before I read this... I know everybody's given banana bread by you is very pleased with a surprised yammy gift... love you two :)

  2. You guys are so resourceful! Do you ever relax and just put your feet up?
